Thursday, February 27, 2020

Does the evidence support the claim that the media 'lost' the Vietnam Essay

Does the evidence support the claim that the media 'lost' the Vietnam war for America How has this belief affected way that the - Essay Example Affective media can simultaneously boost the morale of nation as well as of the armed forces during a war and after the war also. Media should display patriotic spirit to project the image of its own country, as it is really essential for overall representation of the state. Vietnam War is also an example from history where American media could not handle the war to project the gains of the forces. One that media did not print the US military effort and sacrifices of the army and on other end, post-war scenario was full of critic, which had very demoralizing affects on troops and also on nation as a whole. Therefore, after passing about 35 years, still there is an ongoing debate on the role of American news media on the outcome of the conflict. Severe objection of the media on the issue of policy failure in war also compelled the decision makers to alter the course of action, ultimately led to confusion and chaos. Media lost the war for America because it was media, which projected t he war in a negative sense. The government was unable to control the media and the media especially the television highlighted such images of American government that deteriorated the image of American army among the masses and the world as a whole. That showed that censorship policies for media should be there in order to safeguard the reputation of a country. Media’s role in Vietnam War was quite predictable as it is said that media’s engagement in disabling America to win the war is prominent. Action of media and certain causes of failure in campaign in the subsequent conflicts shall be elaborated here. This paper analyzes the issue of media involvement in the Vietnam War along with its affects on military efforts in Vietnam. This paper also draws attention to the fact that American media lost the Vietnam War for America. Media and Preliminary Phase of the Conflict It was obvious from the outset that US was assisting Vietnam people in fighting against the communist aggression. Saigon government was in power to take care of American interests. Besides continuous information provided by US officials on activities of the forces in Vietnam, American diplomats wanted Vietnamese press guidance in all matters (Landers 2004). On the outset of hostilities, lack of harmony was found in American media and government. American public and congress were a bit hesitant to raise voice in support of the war waged by US. This also posed a problem in releasing funds for the campaign. Until 1962, lack of interest observed was in the role of media to support war. Non-availability of independent information gathering system and absence of means for real time battlefield picture led to mismanagement. Editorializing for moulding public opinion was almost absent in newspapers. Policies of Kennedy could not seek success due to objective journalism of American media. According to Wyatt (1993), â€Å"The Kennedy administration also took steps of its own to shut the pres s away from this story† (91). However, he was not successful in his efforts because of uncontrollable media and lacking governmental policies. At the same time, American media started portraying two different pictures of Vietnam War. One, way of conduct of war by south Vietnamese was highly being criticized. Other was the optimistic approach of American advisers

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

WHAT IS NOT PHILOSOPHY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WHAT IS NOT PHILOSOPHY - Coursework Example However, philosophy does not seek such knowledge as a way of making man a better believer of God. Philosophy is not a quest for the supernatural (Vaughan, n.d.). It primarily deals with the search of knowledge for a better understanding and self-satisfaction. If it were a quest for supernatural, philosophy could focus on mystical issues such as magic, witchcraft, or even UFO sightings as a way of strengthening human believe in them. If a philosopher studies a mystical issue such as witchcraft, he does it primarily to answer whether witchcraft exists, how it feels to be bewitched, the power of bewitching, and what it takes to bewitch. However, the philosopher does not seek such knowledge as a way of doing witchcraft better or even proving that it exists. Philosophy is not a search for the meaning of life (Vaughan, n.d.). It does not attempt to explain why creatures live or their purpose in life. Philosophy tries to explain what life entails and how it differs from death. Philosophy tries to explain life in terms of existence, what it takes to exist, and how existence is ordered. Thus, philosophy does not attempt to provide the ultimate purpose of